Netherlands - Vaalserberg 322 m
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Netherlands Vaalserberg


The Vaalserberg is the highest point in mainland Netherslands with a height of 322.4 metres (1,058 ft). The Vaalserberg is located in the province of Limburg, at the south-easternmost edge of the country, near the town of Vaals (after which it is named).

The Vaalserberg is also the location of the tripoint between GermanyBelgium and the Netherlands and so its summit is called the Drielandenpunt ("three country point") in Dutch, Dreiländereck ("three country corner") in German and Trois Frontières ("three borders") in French.

2019-01-13 In the morning I drove from Landgraaf to the Three Country Point. This is the place where Germany, Netherlands and Belgium have there boundaries meeting at one point.

You can have one foot in Germany, the other one in Netherlands and your hand in Belgium, if you would like. However it was a very rainy day and I was the only person there. 

After seeing the Three Country Point I went to check Vaalsberg. I did not know it was right behind me so I typed in the GPS and it did appearantly not understand which point I was looking for. I got totally confused by Google Maps and it took an hour of seeking until I realized that Vaalsberg was right behind the Three Country Point. Such a waste of time and carelessly research. 

Summit number 8.

Before going back to the airport I stoped in Leuven. It is the oldest university city in the Low Countries and currently holds the Catholic University Leuven. Belgium's largest university, founded in 1835. After visiting beatiful Leuven I also did some rapidly sightseeing in Brussel. 



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